A complete dry food for cats of all breeds and ages. Formulated to match the natural feline diet, it is made from Canada's best and freshest free-range chicken and turkey, wild-caught fish and nest-laid eggs. Contains 80% meat, 20% vegetables and 0% grain.
Save up to £, and buy cheap OrijenCat and Kitten 2.27kg cat food at ! We have compared the price of Orijen Cat and Kitten 2.27kg at the leading online pet shops in the UK to find you the cheapest deals, and have found 0 prices between £ and £.
A French cat called Félicette was the first cat in space. In 1963, France launched her into outer space on board a rocket, and she was recovered after parachuting back to Earth after a 15-minute flight. Electrodes were implanted in her brain, and the neurological signals were sent back to Earth. She survived the trip, and made a valuable contribution to research into space flight.
Ingredient Spotlight
Brewers' Rice - The small milled fragments of rice kernels that have been separated from the larger kernels of milled rice. Brewers' rice is a processed rice product that is missing many of the nutrients contained in whole ground rice and brown rice thus reducing the quality.
Do you know why cats are said to have 9 lives? Discover the reasons why people think this is the case - from tales of ancient Egyptian goddesses, 16-Century books and superstitions.
To help you find out which toys live up to their name, and which ones aren’t as tough as they claim we have pulled together 15 of the best and toughest dog toys.
PetMoneySaver.co.uk is the UK's best cat and dog food price comparison website, and we compare hundreds of prices every day to find you the cheapest deals for pet food, so you save money. Every day, the website automatically checks the prices of different cat and dog foods at the biggest and best online pet stores in the UK, to ensure you get the best prices. Whether your cat or dog enjoys dry food, wet food or a mixture, you'll find the cheapest pet food prices here. Search now, and save money on cheap cat and dog food from brands such as Applaws, Hill's, Royal Canin and Lily's Kitchen.
We will use our best endeavours to ensure that the information listed on the website is accurate, however it is your responsibility to ensure that the product you have clicked through to at a third-party merchant is the exact one that you want, and the price is correct.